Art in public realm / collections
2020 Spinning Angel, kinetic sculpture, Le Cheile School, Dublin, Ireland
2019 Future Fossils, ETB, Glanmire, Co.Cork, Ireland
2018 Football and Physics, National Football Stadium, Belfast
2018 Connected One, Winter Olympics in Pyoeng Chang, South Korea
2017 Tullamore Phoenix, Tullamore, co. Ofaly, Ireland
2016 Shadows of the Past, Berlin, Germany and Belfast, UK
A Pump a Donkey and two Gentleman who never met, Hilltown, UK
The Invisible Sculpture, Bloomingtown, Indiana, USA
2015 The Wanderer, Drogheda, Ireland
Gulliver’s Travels, Belfast, NI, UK
Belfast Handshake, Belfast
2014 Smugglers Head , NI, UK
2013 Belfast Seahorse, Belfast Harbor, Belfast, UK
2012 Lady-Bird-Transformation, Busan Film Center, Busan Korea
2012 The hidden Artist, Iksan, Korea
2010 Stairway to Heaven, sculpture Park, Korea
Grants/ Art Awards
1993/94 Stipend NaföG Stipendium
1994 Grant DAAD Stipendium für Studienreise nach China und Japan
1995 Bosch Kunstpreis Work Art
2002 Kunstpreis , Spektrale, Brandenburg
2005 Projektförderung der Deutsch-Polnischen Kulturstiftung
2008 SNU research grant, South Korea
2008 Arts Council Northern Ireland
2015 Pro Helvetica grant, for La Serpara Exhibition