The World Saving Machine project is designed to incorporate science, technology and sustainability into visual art.
Dr Halina G. Sander
Founder and Principal
Grazyna is the creative manager of many art projects . She an architect, designer and engineer.
Grazyna acts as art - director of WSM, engineer, designer and artist.
Ralf Sander
He is working in a broad range of fine art disciplines. It manifests variously as sculpture, installation, video, collaborative - and site-specific projects. Ralf exhibits worldwide, in internationally acclaimed locations such as Bonner Kunsthalle, Museum of Art Stuttgart, Haus der Kunst Munich, Philadelphia Museum, Nowisibirsk Museum of Art and Seoul MoA.
Felix has travelled all over the world and worked in Berlin and the USA before settling down in Brandenburg. Otherwise known in the as the musician, Felix’s charm and willingness to talk to anyone and everyone.
creative assistant
Since the project was founded in 2012 we work together in the field of art in public space, and other projects. At the same time all of the four follow their individual practice as artists.
WSM, World Saving Machine